The Ontario government is considering changing the law that protects tenants renting in Ontario. This law called the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (the “RTA”) is designed to provide protection for tenants from illegal rent increases and illegal evictions and to balance the rights between tenants and landlords. You can check out the proposals here: Consultations on Small Landlords
But there is a problem. The proposed changes really only consider changes that would benefit landlords. And some changes take away tenant rights and make it easier to evict.
Some examples of these changes are to make it easier for landlords to evict tenants for smoking in their home or for having pets. The changes would also make it harder for tenants to raise their own issues at the Landlord and Tenant Board.
The good news is that they want your feedback!
The government knows that there is a need for more affordable housing in Ontario. Under the Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy, the government wants to see that “every person has an affordable, suitable and adequate home to provide the foundation to secure employment, raise a family and build strong communities.”
What do you think the government needs to do to ensure everyone has a safe and affordable home? Let your government know you want to keep your rights as a tenant! What positive changes could help tenants? Do you think it is fair to take away tenant rights and make it easier for landlords to evict?
Send your comments in by June 30, 2016 by email or mail:
Email: [email protected]
Residential and Commercial Tenancies Unit
Housing Policy Branch
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
777 Bay Street, 14th Floor,
Toronto ON M5G 2E5
For more information check out these links:
CBC News: Ontario mulls changes to rental rules, prompting concern from tenants groups
Metro News: Ontario launches public consultation on tenancy act changes