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Neighbourhood Legal Services (London & Middlesex)

We are a non-profit community legal clinic serving low income residents of London. In addition, to providing ‘traditional’ poverty law services including legal advice and referrals and legal representation, the Clinic is involved in public legal education, community development and law reform.
The best way to get help from us is to call our office.

You will need to tell us about your legal problem.  We can help if that legal problem is an area of law that we deal with. We don’t do criminal, family or immigration law for example. See services for a list of what we do.

We might need to know your income. If you want us to do anything on your behalf, you must have a low income. If your income is from Ontario Works or ODSP you are eligible.  You may also be eligible if you are on CPP or WSIB or if you have a minimal working income.

[lawyerpro_consultation form_title_cc=”Contact us” intro_excerpt_cc=”Please fill this form to get in touch with us” email_cc_admin=”[email protected]”]
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