Update: December 13 , 2021

The Canada Recovery Benefit has been closed as of October 2021. The government is proposing to extend the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit and the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit until May 7, 2022. The government is also proposing to introduce the Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit that would provide $300 a week to eligible workers who are unable to work due to a local lockdown anytime between October 24, 2021 and May 7, 2022,

For the most recent updates please visit the Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Page

  • CRSB—Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit Proposed Extension 
  • CRCB—Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit Proposed Extension
  • CRB—Canada Recovery Benefit Ended October 2021

Employment Insurance Update:

If your claim starts between September 26, 2021 and November 20, 2021, you’ll receive at least $300 per week before taxes, but you could receive more. As of January 1, 2021, the maximum yearly insurable earnings amount is $56,300. This means that you can receive a maximum amount of $595 per week

For more information:  Government of Canada EI Benefits

Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit Proposed Extension to May 7, 2022

Effective from September 27, 2020 to November 20, 2021. It is a $500/week benefit (to a maximum of 4 weeks) for workers who are unable to work as a result of:

  • Contracted COVID-19
  • Self-Isolation in relation to COVID-19
  • Going through treatment or contracted another illness that will make them more susceptible to COVID-19

To Qualify:

  • 15 years of age or older
  • Valid SIN
  • Employed or Self Employed at time of application
  • Earned at least $5000 in income in 2019/2020 or last 12 months by the date of their application
  • Unable to work at least 50% of the time they planned to work as a result of:
  • Being sick with COVID-19 or suspected having COVID-19
  • Advised to self-isolate due to COVID-19 (must be advised by allowed authorities)
  • Underlying health conditions that puts one at greater risk
  • Are unable to claim any other benefits or sick benefit from workplace or Employment Insurance

**If extended an additional 2 weeks will be added

Canada Caregiver Recovery Benefit Proposed Extension to May 7, 2022

Effective from September 27, 2020 to November 20 2021 workers who are unable to work to provide care services to children or family members as a result of COVID-19 can receive $500/week for up to 42 weeks PER household as a result of:

  • Child under age of 12 or family member who requires supervised care
  • Daycare/school/day program is unavailable, closed, or open for certain times
  • Care services and/or person providing care is unable to provide services for COVID-19 related reasons
  • They are sick or required to quarantine as a result of COVID-19
  • High risk or serious health complications if they contracted COVID-19

To Qualify

  • 15 years of age or older
  • Valid SIN
  • Employed or Self Employed at time of application
  • Earned at least $5000 in income in 2019/2020 or last 12 months by the date of their application
  • Unable to work at least 50% of the time they planned to work
  • Unable to receive paid leave or a workplace leave benefit

Household—group of people who live together as a family unit at the same address

  • The Household combined is entitled to 42 weeks–if two or more person reside in same household, the benefit is shared.

For More Information:

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