Did you mark your calendar to attend the Fibromyalgia London Group’s special event, presented in partnership with the London Public Library?
Monday, November 6, 2017
Wolf Performance Hall, Central Branch Library
251 Dundas Street, London
6:00-8:30pm [Doors Open: 5:30pm]
FREE Admission ~ FREE 2-hour parking with validation ~ ALL Welcome!
*** This is a scent-free, accessible, inclusive event, held in a open, safe space ***
Following the 90-minute film, we will be hosting a 60-minute community forum on “Paradigm Shifts: Changing Attitudes and Mindsets Towards Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Chronic Pain” between our audience members and a Panel of Experts. The goal of the forum is to shed light on what’s being done in terms of medical and public education; treatments; advocacy efforts for more serious medical/government recognition these illnesses and changes to government legislation, and the need for more medical research and government funding to better understand these illnesses and find a cure. We hope this discussion will provide YOU with more insight, education, deeper understanding, resource information and support!
We are delighted to have on our Panel of Experts:
- Lynn Cooper – President, Canadian Pain Coalition
- Dr. Robert Banner, MD, CCFP, FCFP, FRCP – Integrative and Functional Medical Practitioner
- Jacqueline Doummar – Self-Management Program Outreach Officer, South West Local Health Integration Network
- Dr. Brock Rondeau – General Dentist with special training in the treatment of TM Dysfunction, Snoring and Sleep Apnea
- Erika Calhoun – Marketing Coordinator, Bodystream Medical Marijuana Services
- Terry Lynn Clarkin – Fibromyalgia London Group’s Sharing Circle Program Co-Coordinator & 27+ years living with FM, CFS & CP
REGISTRATION IN ADVANCE IS REQUIRED! Please reserve your seats today!
On Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/unrest-film-forum-night-tickets-38540328159
By Email: [email protected]
By Phone: Jacqueline Fraser, 519-453-3198
And please help spread the word – it’s important our London and area community knows about this opportunity to talk about our chronic invisible illnesses!